I have the issue too. I want to try the new iBook Author release, but it requires Mavericks. I don't want to install Yosemite, as a) my machine is a 2010 model and will probably slow up a fair amount, b) I hear there are issues with Yosemite and Photoshop CS5.5, and c) who knows what other issues are going to creep up with other 3rd party apps like Office and Suitcase Fusion. You used to be able to buy (for a nominal fee) old versions of the OS – which is how I got my work mac from Lion to Mountain Lion – but this facility no longer seems to exist. It's Yosemite or nothing.
The only reason I can see for removing this capability is to force users of older macs to buy new ones to be able to cope with Yosemite - It's apparently RAM hungry in comparison to older versions of OSX. I have the issue too. I want to try the new iBook Author release, but it requires Mavericks. I don't want to install Yosemite, as a) my machine is a 2010 model and will probably slow up a fair amount, b) I hear there are issues with Yosemite and Photoshop CS5.5, and c) who knows what other issues are going to creep up with other 3rd party apps like Office and Suitcase Fusion. You used to be able to buy (for a nominal fee) old versions of the OS – which is how I got my work mac from Lion to Mountain Lion – but this facility no longer seems to exist.
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It's Yosemite or nothing. The only reason I can see for removing this capability is to force users of older macs to buy new ones to be able to cope with Yosemite - It's apparently RAM hungry in comparison to older versions of OSX. Well, they've never liked to 'support' anything but the latest and greatest; however, since the only way to a) either recover from a disaster is to use recovery and re-download the entire OS or b) you are obligated to reinstall the original OS because you are selling the machine, they are obligated to make those OS's available to anyone who has had them installed in the past (or they'd violate their own SLA, LOL).

So the old OS's are sitting there somewhere on a server and will work as soon as your machine shows them the right code (or whatever). If you've never had it downloaded/installed, it's no longer available. If there is enough of an outcry, maybe they'll change their mind; it's probably nothing more than having to flip a switch. I've contacted apple support on this subject, and the representative was the most knowledgeable human being ever. In their infinite wisdom and advice, I was directed to the app store where I was told to search for Mavericks, which clearly doesn't exist there anymore. There are about $20,000 worth of programs and plugins that explain why I wouldn't want to update to an OS that doesn't support them. Why on earth would you release a new OS and not offer Mavericks still?
It's not like I want to update to Snow Leopard. Those of us running professional recording/video software (which is the exact audience Mac pro's are marketed to) do not keep our OS's fully updated for this exact reason. Annoyed is a light way of putting how I feel.